CMAT Assessment Team’s first day of assessment complete.
CMAT Assessment Team member Dr. Omar Elahi discusses transportation and logistics with local authorities in Sindh province, southern Pakistan.
September 8, 2010 – The CMAT/IMAT Rapid Assessment Team departed Toronto on Sunday September 5th, and have spent the last 24 hours conducting a needs assessment in the Thatta region of Southern Sindh province.
Martin Metz, Team Leader reports that there are many people who have left their homes and are sleeping in the open at the side of the road.
The health care needs in the area in and around Thatta appear to be well managed by the local authorities and military.
The assessment team plans to travel further field to the Hyderabad region, and participate in the OCHA Health Cluster meeting tomorrow.
CMAT Team members Martin Metz and Omar Elahi assess the availability of potable drinking water for flood victims in Thatta, southern Sindh province, Pakistan.
CMAT Medical teams remain on standby awaiting further instruction from the assessment team. Volunteers are still needed, especially for the first deployment, scheduled to depart Friday September 10th. Please click on ‘volunteer now’ if you are interested in participating.
Charitable donations continue to be accepted, and can be made directly on the CMAT website by clicking on ‘donate now’ above.
Every dollar will help CMAT to provide health care to the people of Pakistan. Please be generous.