
CMAT Team Leader Dave Johnson meets with media at Tokyo's Narita airport.

CMAT Team Leader Dave Johnson meets with media at Tokyo’s Narita airport.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 – CMAT Directors were in contact tonight with the Assessment Team who are currently on the ground in Tokyo, preparing for Air Lift Transport to the Sendai Region.

As of this evening all NGO airlift support has been temporarily suspended pending the further assessment of the situation at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant. CNN has reported that another explosion has occurred, this time at the number 4 reactor.

CMAT Directors spoke this evening with Canadian Nuclear Officials who stated: “Standard Personal Protective Equipment (PPE: coveralls, masks, gloves) would be adequate if they had to go inside the evacuated area, but at 100+ km away, no one would have received a significant radiation dose, even at Chernoble.”

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