CMAT Executive Director visits memorial for Chinese Earthquake victims

CMAT Executive Director Valerie Rzepka honoured the memory of those lost in the the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, by visiting the town of Beichuan, preserved as a memorial to the earthquake victims, and laying flowers on behalf of Canadians at the central memorial site.
May 27, 2010 – Beichuan County, Sichuan, China – CMAT Executive Director Valerie Rzepka honoured the memory of those lost in the the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, by visiting the town of Beichuan, preserved as a memorial to the earthquake victims, and laying flowers on behalf of Canadians at the central memorial site. “Seeing the immensity of the destruction even now, two years later, is very emotional. There are children buried in the public school and entire families lost who will never be recovered.”
The earthquake, which occurred May 12, 2008 killed 5,000 people in Beichuan alone and displaced the entire town’s population of 20,000. CMAT’s assessment team was on the ground shortly after the disaster, and helped to provide medical aid at a temporary centre housed in a local sports stadium. “The government has had a tremendous response, from the immediate aftermath, to the recovery and rebuilding over the last two years. 20,000 people will be moving into newly build permanent housing by the end of this year. That’s very impressive.”
CMAT raised funds for the Sichuan earthquake effort, which will be used to support the reconstruction of the Mianyang Youxian District Special Education School. CMAT continues to appeal for assistance for all of its projects around the world, including those in China and Haiti. Donations are gratefully accepted online at