‘ZALZALA: The Pakistan Earthquake’ – Film Premiere
Photo by CMAT Nurse Jason Watt
TORONTO, CANADA/ LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM – Hickory Dickory Documentary Films, headed by Jason Watt, photographer and volunteer field nurse for CMAT’s medical relief mission to Pakistan (October/ November 2005) is presenting a world premiere film screening of this movie he produced, wrote and directed called ‘ZALZALA: The Pakistan Earthquake’.
The film features the lives of the Pakistani people in and around Muzzaffarabad, Pakistan who became the innocent victims of the devastating earthquake which killed nearly 90,000 persons in October, 2005 and which made millions homeless. Canadian Medical Assistance Teams responded by deploying over 10 teams of paramedics, nurses, physicians and rehab therapists and physiotherapists to the area over a six month period. Jason Watt was on Team #3.
Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Time: 20:00hrs
Location: New Theatre, E171, University of London: London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, U.K.
Admission is free. Voluntary donations toward the Canadian Medical Assistance Teams will be accepted at the door.
For more information, please visit: www.hickorydickorydocumentaryfilms.com. CMAT is grateful to Jason Watt and the staff of Hickory Dickory Documentary Films for this outstanding achievement.